When an individual experiences an injury in the workplace, the body’s natural response is to compensate for the pain or discomfort by altering its movement patterns. This can lead to imbalances in the muscles and joints, which further exacerbate the original injury or even create new problems. Chiropractic care can help address these imbalances by realigning the spine and joints, reducing inflammation, and restoring proper movement patterns. The on-the-job injury is unique in that not only brings a great deal of pain, but often forces a worker into undesirable unemployment. Now, the injured worker has not only to grapple with the injury itself, but the difficulty of potentially not being able to provide for oneself and others. Faced with these stressors and in a great deal of pain, injured workers often find themselves with another severe problem: Becoming dependent on opioids after suffering an injury on the job, taking the traditional medical route, and managing their pain with prescription painkillers. Chiropractic care can help alleviate these issues by resolving the injury itself,  reducing your pain, and getting you back on the job. Chiropractic care can also help prevent future work-related injuries by promoting proper alignment and reducing muscle tension. In addition to the physical benefits of chiropractic care, many individuals suffering the stress of being out of work and injured also experience improvements in their mental and emotional well-being. This is precisely what we here at Hands for Life are able to provide for the injured worker, and as a non-profit, we can provide this to anyone in the community suffering from an on-the-job injury, opiate addiction, or some...


Chiropractic care has been gaining recognition as a safe and effective treatment option for various health conditions, including opiate addiction. Opiate addiction is a serious issue that affects millions of people around the world, and that detriment is in no shortage in our community. As sad as it is to say, likely the largest pathway through which our now opiate-dependent population have found themselves in that condition has been the traditional medical setting, a physician’s office. Chiropractic care can help with opiate addiction by solving the very cause of pain itself, not through a muting of the pain signals alone associated with legitimate use or misuse prescription painkillers. Chiropractors are specialized in the musculoskeletal system and can therefore provide drug-free pain relief through spinal adjustments, manual therapy, and other non-invasive techniques. Chiropractic care can help individuals with opiate addiction by improving overall physical and mental well-being. Opiate addiction can take a toll on the body and mind, leading to symptoms such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, and insomnia. Chiropractic adjustments and therapies can help restore proper alignment in the spine and nervous system, which can improve mood, sleep, and energy levels. Additionally, chiropractors can provide valuable lifestyle advice and support to help individuals make healthier choices and establish positive habits that support recovery from addiction.  This is our exact mission at Hands for Life: To provide treatment to persons suffering from pain and/or opiate addiction for the profit that the charity will bring to our community alone. No matter what your insurance plan might be, no matter what the balance of your bank account might be, we are here at...


Slipped discs, also known as herniated discs, are a common and painful condition that occurs when the soft inner core of a spinal disc pushes through a tear in the disc’s tough outer layer. This can cause severe pain, numbness, and tingling in the affected area, often leading to difficulty in performing daily activities and affecting the overall quality of life.  Traditionally, slipped discs are treated within the medical community using invasive procedures: surgery and the use of powerful prescription pain medications, including dangerous and potentially addictive opioids. Fortunately, chiropractors are trained to treat to treat herniated or “slipped” discs. Using manual adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and the prescription of various corrective exercises, chiropractic care addresses and resolves the essential disruption of the slipped disk at its source. Persons suffering from a herniated disk can therefore receive long-lasting relief without surgery, without using addictive painkillers, without having to suffer the long convalescence associated with invasive spinal surgery.  In conclusion, chiropractic care can be a valuable tool in the management of slipped discs, offering a safe and effective alternative to traditional medicine. By  promoting the body’s natural healing abilities through adjustments, chiropractors can help patients—either suffering now with the pain of an untreated slipped disk, or dealing with post-surgical complications from a prior herniated disk operation—find lasting relief from pain, get back to their ordinary lives, and carry on without the burden of a herniated disk, surgical complications, or the risks associated with long-term opiate pain-management. As we continue to grapple with the opioid epidemic, chiropractic care offers a promising solution for those seeking a safer and more holistic approach...


Sports injuries are all too common among athletes: whether you’re a child or adult, professional or amateur. Ranging from sprains and strains to serious fractures, breaks, and torn ligaments, these injuries are often painful. Unfortunately, traditional medicine tends to manage the discomfort of sports injury through opioid pain medication. Unfortunately, the use of opioids to treat sports injuries can lead to a dangerous cycle of addiction. In fact, many individuals who become addicted to opioids started using them to manage pain after a sports injury. Opioids are highly addictive drugs that can quickly take hold of a person’s life and lead to devastating consequences. Hands for Life understands that opioid addiction is a serious problem that affects millions of people around the world. Chiropractic care offers an alternative to treating sports injuries and managing pain without opiates. Chiropractors manipulate the spine and other mechanical disruptions to relieve pain and improve function. By addressing the sports injury, the mechanical damage itself, chiropractors can help patients heal quickly and effectively without the need for prescription pain medication.  Hands for Life offers a holistic approach that treats sports injuries directly—whether you are arriving in the office, fresh off the field or court, with a new injury; still struggling with the pain of an unresolved sports injury; or the demands of a resultant opiate addiction. Hands for Life makes treatment available to persons in the community who might not have the means or traditional insurance coverage generally necessary to access Chiropractic treatment. That is, Hands for Life’s mission is to provide treatment for injured athletes from all Walks of...


Neck pain is an all too common occurrence caused by factors such as poor posture, muscle strain, or injuries. Neck pain affects persons from all walks of life, whether resulting from years hunched over a desk or an acute on the job physical injury. Unfortunately, traditional medicine has relied heavily on the prescription opioids in treating neck pain. Hands for Life was established at the recognition of the fact that opiate overprescription and addiction, for common and resolvable conditions like neck pain, has torn apart and ended the lives of millions of Americans.  Opiate addiction very often results from a person’s sincere attempt to manage their chronic pain, like neck pain, through traditional medical routes and opioid medications. However, it’s well-known now that these medications can be and often are highly addictive, leading to dependence, withdrawal, life disruptions, even death. The worst part is that all the while the source of your neck pain, the mechanical injury itself, remains unresolved. Chiropractic care can offer a solution to neck pain that does not put the patient at risk of opiate addiction.  Chiropractic care treats neck pain through manual adjustments and manipulations of the spine. These realign the spine, alleviate pressure on nerves in the neck, and improve the function of the musculoskeletal system. By resolving the underlying musculoskeletal issues that cause neck pain, chiropractic care can reduce the need for opiate medications and support our community and country at large in overcoming addiction. Our holistic approach to care addresses the whole person. Our non-profit mission sees the person, their pain and needs, not the contents of their wallet or the...


Whiplash occurs when the neck is suddenly jerked forward and then backwards, causing strain on the muscles and ligaments in the neck. It is often caused by car accidents or physical trauma, and can result in symptoms such as neck pain, headaches, dizziness, and stiffness in the neck. Any individual who has suffered some whiplash could tell you: It’s a painful condition. Unfortunately, however, persons seeking out traditional treatment for the pain and impairment associated whiplash are often prescribed opiates to manage their pain.  Even though these medications may very well reduce and even entirely eliminate the pain of Whiplash, there are two essential problems: First, opiates treat symptom alone. That is, they silence the pain signal effectively, while the vertebral and muscle damage remains. Second, it is now an accomplished fact that opioids are no longer a viable or medically responsible long-term option for the injured American, considering the  havoc that opiate addiction has wrought throughout our nation.  Chiropractic care offers a different option for persons suffering from Whiplash: Drug -free treatment that treats the muscular-skeletal injury directly, not just the pain signals sent therefrom. The doors to Hands for Life are left open to anyone in the community suffering from Whiplash, opiate addiction, or both. Through the Advanced Back and Neck Pain Center, Hands for Life offers treatment to persons in pain—no matter their position in society, their insurance coverage, or the balance of their bank account. Hands for Life is here to help individuals suffering from Whiplash in a holistic, accessible, and sustainable way—to persons from all walks of...


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common condition that causes pain, tingling, and numbness in the hand and arm. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes compressed or squeezed at the wrist. This compression can be caused by repetitive motions, such as typing or using a computer mouse, or by certain underlying health conditions, such as arthritis or diabetes. One common treatment for CTS is surgery. This involves cutting the ligament that is pressing on the median nerve to relieve the symptoms. However, surgery is not always effective and can come with risks and complications. One of these complications is, of course, the risk of post-surgical intervention opiate dependence and addiction.  Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive, non-surgical, and drug-free alternative for managing CTS symptoms. The Chiropractic option also offers a path upon which individuals might manage their chronic without prescription painkillers or the risk of opiate addiction. In the case of CTS, chiropractors may focus on adjusting the wrist, elbow, and spine to relieve pressure on the median nerve and restore normal nerve function.  For persons suffering from CTS who have already undergone surgical intervention and/or are struggling with a resultant opioid addiction, it’s never too late. Chiropractic care can help individuals with opiate addiction manage the withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with drug dependence. Chiropractors can provide supportive care to help individuals detox from opiates safely and comfortably, using drug-free techniques such as nutritional counseling, massage therapy, and acupuncture.  By tapping into the body’s innate healing system, chiropractic care offers a holistic and natural approach to treating not only Carpal...


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common condition that causes pain, tingling, and numbness in the hand and arm. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes compressed or squeezed at the wrist. This compression can be caused by repetitive motions, such as typing or using a computer mouse, or by certain underlying health conditions, such as arthritis or diabetes. One common treatment for CTS is surgery. This involves cutting the ligament that is pressing on the median nerve to relieve the symptoms. However, surgery is not always effective and can come with risks and complications. One of these complications is, of course, the risk of post-surgical intervention opiate dependence and addiction.  Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive, non-surgical, and drug-free alternative for managing CTS symptoms. The Chiropractic option also offers a path upon which individuals might manage their chronic without prescription painkillers or the risk of opiate addiction. In the case of CTS, chiropractors may focus on adjusting the wrist, elbow, and spine to relieve pressure on the median nerve and restore normal nerve function.  For persons suffering from CTS who have already undergone surgical intervention and/or are struggling with a resultant opioid addiction, it’s never too late. Chiropractic care can help individuals with opiate addiction manage the withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with drug dependence. Chiropractors can provide supportive care to help individuals detox from opiates safely and comfortably, using drug-free techniques such as nutritional counseling, massage therapy, and acupuncture.  By tapping into the body’s innate healing system, chiropractic care offers a holistic and natural approach to treating not only Carpal...


At Hands For Life, we see only your pain and your humanity. The contents of your bank account or wallet are concerns that can be left at the door. Unfortunately, Hands for Life is somewhat unique in this capacity. The mass of American workers are hemmed in by insurance plans that fail to cover the specialized approach to low-back pain that Chiropractic care offers. Instead, most persons suffering with low-back pain are forwarded through the traditional medical settings for which their insurance offers coverage. What’s worse, of course, is that the traditional medical setting has rendered millions of Americans, once hobbled by low back pain alone, into opioid addicts—or expired opiate addicts—whose lives inhere a great deal more pain than that for which they originally sought treatment. Research has revealed that physicians still, despite the resounding death toll rung every day in our country, prescribe opiates at an increasing rate for the long-term management of low-back pain. More than half of our population saddled with opiate addiction reports back-pain, as well.  Medical research has revealed that there is very little evidence for the use of opiates in chronic back pain. Chiropractic philosophy and care begins with a specialized consideration of the spine. The chiropractic community considers back pain as a natural result of even the slightest incongruence in a patient’s vertebrae, and seeks to correct the error mechanically, once and for all. Research has for years produced evidence that chiropractic care, with or without a medical auxiliary, is an effective treatment for chronic back pain. What’s most essential here, besides relieving any and all of our worker’s pain, is that...


If there is anything certain whatsoever that might be said about pain, perhaps it is the notion that bodily pain does not discriminate. Americans working in the highest strata of the professional world very often end up managing the same, or some similar, lower-back pain as an hourly-pay manual-laborer. Finance executives, brain surgeons, attorneys, Fortune 500 CEOs, all develop various low-back pain from years hunched over keyboards, papers, patients representing often the entire span of a professional life. This low back pain is undifferentiated from the millions of Americans whose pain comes from a career requiring immense physical effort: That is, those persons who not only set in stone, but keep in place, as well, the nobility and endurance of the physical structures constituting the American market and residence. Whether it manifest in a construction-worker accepting hourly pay, a mother or father overburdened with childcare, or in a wealthy executive in a corner office, low back pain does not discriminate. Hands for Life has something of the same mission as low-back pain, and pain in general: That is, to not discriminate among patients based on their means or access to insurance coverage. That person whose work has literally set in stone the structures of the country, although for less pay, has the same right to relief through Hands for Life as anyone employed in a capacity where wealth and status has rendered affording care for low back-pain a non-issue. Hands for Life, in collaboration with The Advanced Back and Neck Pain Center, offers treatment for patients lacking the traditional means or insurance coverage often necessary for specialized care. At...