Hands for Life was established after Dr. Travis McKay lost a close friend to opiate abuse and addiction. Often, our blog reiterates the danger of opioid misuse and abuse, as well as our preventative mission to help those suffering with pain and/or opioid dependence. The opiate epidemic here in Delaware has become a significant public health crisis, affecting individuals and communities across the state, with an alarming increase in addiction, overdose deaths, and other related health issues in Delaware in recent years.

According to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, the state has seen a sharp rise in opiate-related deaths in recent years. In 2019, there were 430 opiate-related overdose deaths in the state, a staggering 41% increase from the previous year. Additionally, Delaware’s rate of drug-related deaths is higher than the national average, with opiates being the leading cause of drug-related deaths in the state.

The impact of the opiate epidemic extends beyond just overdose deaths. It has also led to a significant increase in addiction and substance abuse disorders in Delaware. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, an estimated 2.1% of Delaware residents aged 12 and older reported misusing pain relievers in the past year, higher than the national average of 1.6%.

The opiate epidemic has also placed a significant strain on Delaware’s healthcare system, with hospitals and treatment centers struggling to meet the demand for addiction treatment services. Many individuals struggling with opiate addiction face barriers to accessing treatment, including a shortage of treatment facilities, lack of insurance coverage, and stigma surrounding addiction. To address the opiate epidemic in Delaware, state and local officials have implemented a range of strategies aimed at prevention, treatment, and harm reduction. Hands for Life opens its doors to anyone in the community suffering from chronic pain, and opioid dependence, and our treatment is free. It is our hope that by raising awareness, promoting prevention efforts, expanding access to treatment services, Hands for Life and Delaware can work towards reducing the devastating impact of opiates on individuals, families, and communities across the state.

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