A non-profit healthcare center is a healthcare facility that provides medical services to underserved communities without the intention of making a profit. Hands for Life is one such non-profit healthcare center: That is, the main focus is on providing affordable and accessible healthcare to those in need who might not otherwise have the funds or insurance coverage necessary for Chiropractic Care. 

Unlike for-profit healthcare facilities, non-profit centers prioritize patient care and community service over financial gain. This means that the focus is on providing high-quality, comprehensive medical services that meet the needs of the population. Hands for Life was established with this aim in mind: To provide comprehensive chiropractic treatment to the community, no matter their means. 

In addition to providing affordable healthcare services, non-profit healthcare centers often engage in advocacy and public health initiatives to address systemic health disparities and promote health equity. For Hands for Life, this means providing care and health education to persons suffering from opioid addiction, injury, chronic pain, poverty, or some combination of these. 

Overall, non-profit healthcare centers play a vital role in ensuring that all individuals have access to high-quality healthcare services, regardless of their socioeconomic status or insurance coverage. By prioritizing patient care and community service over profit, Hands for Life’s mission is to build a healthier, more equitable community, and improve the overall well-being of community members in the Tri-State Area. Reach out today, or come into the office!

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