If there is anything certain whatsoever that might be said about pain, perhaps it is the notion that bodily pain does not discriminate. Americans working in the highest strata of the professional world very often end up managing the same, or some similar, lower-back pain as an hourly-pay manual-laborer. Finance executives, brain surgeons, attorneys, Fortune 500 CEOs, all develop various low-back pain from years hunched over keyboards, papers, patients representing often the entire span of a professional life. This low back pain is undifferentiated from the millions of Americans whose pain comes from a career requiring immense physical effort: That is, those persons who not only set in stone, but keep in place, as well, the nobility and endurance of the physical structures constituting the American market and residence. Whether it manifest in a construction-worker accepting hourly pay, a mother or father overburdened with childcare, or in a wealthy executive in a corner office, low back pain does not discriminate.

Hands for Life has something of the same mission as low-back pain, and pain in general: That is, to not discriminate among patients based on their means or access to insurance coverage. That person whose work has literally set in stone the structures of the country, although for less pay, has the same right to relief through Hands for Life as anyone employed in a capacity where wealth and status has rendered affording care for low back-pain a non-issue. Hands for Life, in collaboration with The Advanced Back and Neck Pain Center, offers treatment for patients lacking the traditional means or insurance coverage often necessary for specialized care. At Hands For Life, we see only your pain and your humanity. The contents of your bank account or wallet are concerns that can be left at the door. 

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